Top quality dairy products start with fresh quality raw materials. To insure that only top quality milk is used in Wapsie Valley Creamery products, every dairy heard and dairy farm supplying milk is inspected by three government agencies. Each farm is under the inspection of the
- Iowa Public Health Department
- Iowa Department of Agriculture
- S. Public Health Department
In addition, we employ our own field staff to monitor and advise our milk producers to insure that our own high quality standards are consistently achieved.
Quality goes beyond the facilities and equipment to the Wapsie Valley family. Our employees are dedicated and trained to manufacture the highest quality dairy products possible and have devoted years – even decades – to that commitment.
Wapsie Valley Creamery products meet or exceed state, national, overseas requirements. Wapsie Valley Creamery operates under the inspection of:
- Global Food Safety Initiative
- Iowa Department of Agriculture Survey Program
- Iowa Public Health Department
- Public Health Department
- USDA Survey Program
- Federal Food & Drug Administration
In addition, our Quality Assurance Department maintains a complete, well-staffed laboratory for testing, as well as using outside laboratories for salmonella and other necessary testing.
Wapsie Valley Creamery is committed to surpass normal quality standards. We are firmly committed to the highest quality products as possible and to meeting varied customer requirements. Employees and management alike have made a personal commitment to quality:
- Quality materials
- Quality processing
- Quality people
It all adds up. Your best buy is the top quality from Wapsie Valley Creamery. You can depend on it time after time. Consistently Superior!
Contact Us
300 10th St. NE
Independence, Iowa 50644
Phone: 319-334-7193
Email Us