
Top quality whey products come from Wapsie Valley Creamery’s top quality cheeses. Wapsie Valley Creamery has specialized in lactose and reduced lactose whey production since 1969. In addition, Wapsie Valley Creamery produces whole whey and custom whey blends to meet customer requirements.

Even though all dairy products vary with the season, our customers receive consistent, superior quality from Wapsie Valley products. To obtain consistently high quality products, look to the heartland – and the steps Wapsie Valley Creamery takes to insure a superior product.

Lactose Powder:  Wapsie packages the separated lactose crystals from the liquid whey in 2,000 pound totes for its customers. We can manufacture 3 different mesh sizes of lactose: 50 mesh, 100 mesh and 200 mesh. The products are produced to customer specifications.  These lactose sugar crystals are used primarily as an ingredient of food applications including confectionary, sweeteners, and various dairy blends.

Reduced Lactose Whey Powder:  Wapsie packages its reduced lactose whey products in 50 pound bags for its customers.  Again, the products are produced to customer specifications.  Reduced lactose whey products are used in processed cheeses, cheese spreads, and calf milk replacer.

Whey Cream:  Cream is separated from the whey during the production of cheese.  Some of this cream may be reintroduced back into the cheese to obtain a higher butterfat.  Any leftover cream is then sold to a butter manufacturer.  This is in line with our practice to recover all of the solids purchased in the milk that we purchase.  The butter manufacturer has strict specifications that the cream must meet.

Contact Us

300 10th St. NE
Independence, Iowa 50644

Phone: 319-334-7193
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